Anna Burns Object
2015 — Identity / Art Direction / Fashion / Packaging
Anna Burns is an acclaimed spatial designer and art director working across the disciplines of photography, installation and event design. Her groundbreaking shoots for Casa Vogue have been a platform for exploring her interest in home products and a catalyst for the launch of Anna Burns Object, her recently launched interiors brand.
We devised an identity system based around a reduced and abstracted ABO monogram and stacked logotype. The two elements can work both separately and together, with the monogram designed to be flexible — it can expand and contract freely with the individual letters only locked together in terms of relative position — and to be integrated into the fabric patterns themselves.
ABO’s first collection, Occhio di Marmo was influenced by the ‘Giallo’ Italian horror films of Dario Argento and others. To manifest that genre’s unnerving blurring of beauty, terror and fetishisation of the female body — we made plaited handles of human hair for the fabric swatch books. As time goes on these can be exchanged for handles appropriate to the future collections.