Parlour Culture

2009 — Identity / Invitation

A series of networking salon style events presented by a collective of arts producers, Parlour Culture had the aim of encouraging intellectual cross-pollination and the exchange of ideas between people working in the creative and cultural sector.

Our custom-drawn logo harks back to intellectual styles of the early 20th century, but that also feels contemporary, bold and cutting edge. The half-infilled vowels create metaphors of elements combining, and the letter U resembles a glass of red wine — a nod towards to the relaxed, social feel of the event. The completely hand-made invitation took advantage of the short run of 30. A thick board was bound with pale green bookbinders linen to create a heavy A5 tablet. The design was hand blocked in glossy black foil to give maximum contrast against the soft cloth base. A different coloured linen cloth was used for each of the series’ invitations.